Ultimate Muscle Fuel, Fortifeye Fit for pre workout and post workout fuel

Dr. Michael Lange Optometrist and talk show host

If you are looking for the most advanced evidence based pre workout fuel that is also a post workout fuel then you are at the right place. Fortifeye Performance Nutrition and Dr Michael Lange developed the ultimate muscle fuel called Fortifeye Fit. This is a delicious naturally sweetened and flavored powder that mixes instantly in water or beverage of choice. It was developed to bring the exact clinically studied amounts of evidence based nutrients all in one formula. Fortifeye Fit eliminates the need for multiple cannisters and powders used as a stack to accomplish your training goals. Fortifeye Fit was developed to enhance muscle development, strength and endurance through proper dosages of specific nutrients. It is the first of its type that also brings nutritional support to the ligaments, tendons, joints and skin while promoting a powerful immune system. The ingredients in Fortifeye Fit have been clinically studied and…

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Fortifeye Fit pre workout and post workout supplement coming soon


Fortifeye Fit a new supplement developed by Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins will be available to the public late July or early August 2019.  This   Combination pre workout and post work out supplement is based on the very latest sports nutrition and anti aging science .  Fortifeye Fit has taken 10 key evidence based nutrients  and combined them into a synergistic muscle enhancing blend.  This delicious vanilla cream flavored supplement will be available by August 2019. Fortifeye Fit is developed to enhance muscle synthesis , strength and endurance  when used in conjunction with exercise. This will be beneficial to young and old athletes . This pre and post workout supplement  will be used by the young to increase strength , muscle synthesis and endurance .  It will be used by the elderly to maintain and help regain their strength and endurance.  Dr Michael Lange  says this  new generation sports nutrition supplement will be available only direct to the consumer via Www.fortifeye.com. Initially .

Naked Super Protein by Fortifeye

Naked protein

Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins released their newest protein supplement in March 2017 called Fortifeye “naked” super protein.  Fortifeye Naked Protein is a pure  non denatured whey protein concentrate from Year round grass fed pasture raised New Zealand cows .  This protein has no flavor, no stevia, no guar gum, and no lecithin just pure protein. No antibiotics, hormones or pesticide are found in this milk.  This non  denatured whey protein concentrate is as pure as it gets.  Most whey proteins have been denatured with high heat and then bleached with toxic chemicals .  Do you really want a chemically heat altered protein ?? The pasturization process is 72degrees Celsius for only 15 seconds.  This keeps the protein intact and maximizes the bio availability. .Fortifeye Naked Super Protein has never been bleached and has the natural color derived from the grass fed milk.  This protein does not have any emulsifiers like guar gum or lecithin in it so it mixes best with a blender however if u shake it vigorously it will mix with any beverage.  Dr Michael Lange likes to blend with goats milk or A2 cows milk  in order to get some extra  protein that has not gone through any genetic mutations.  A whey protein concentrate is the best way to stimulate muscle , strength and your immune system at the same time.  Drink to your health with a New Zealand grass fed non denatured, non bleached whey protein concentrate! You can purchase this  here   https://www.fortifeye.cyom/products/naked-uper-protein/

Whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand cows great for anti aging.


Most dairy cows are raised in a confined area and are fed genetically modified grains in feed lots  that are enhanced with hormones and antibiotics  to increase milk production.   Fortifeye Super Protein is derived from  New Zealand  dairy cows that are grass fed free range  year round.  This protein is free from pesticide, hormones and antibiotics.   Grass fed cows produce the highest quality milk that our whey protein concentrate comes from.  There is more and more science proving that A2 cows are a better source of milk than A1 cows.  Go to this link to learn the latest on A2 New Zealand cows http://thea2milkcompany.com/about-us/about-our-milk/

Dr.  Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins researched the best possible dairy cows to use when developing Fortifeye Super Protein.  The conclusion was to use  year round grass fed New Zealand dairy cows.  Fortifeye Super Protein is a non denatured , non bleached whey protein concentrate from  grass-fed New Zealand cows. This protein has an all organic natural flavor system that makes both the chocolate and the vanilla delicious and it readily mixes with any liquid. Fortifeye has a Naked Protein that does not have any stevia, flavor or guar gum.

A non denatured or undenatured whey protein concentrate from grass-fed  New Zealand cows is significantly different from most traditional non pasture raised or partial pastured  whey protein concentrates .   Grass fed cows  will typically have 60% or higher omega 3 content in their milk versus  non grass-fed cows milk.  This is crucial since the typical diet is pro inflammatory and is already too high in omega 6 .  Drinking a  milk protein that is higher in omega 3 will help the body to fight off inflammation  and promote wellness.   Consuming a whey protein concentrate that has a higher ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is a step in the right direction of anti aging .

Grass fed pasture raised cows are much higher in a very important fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).  CLA has some enormous positive health benefits and immune system stimulating properties. Studies indicate that CLA may be beneficial to heart health and have some anti cancer and anti diabetic  benefits as well.  Grass fed pasture raised cows have up to 500% more CLA than non grass-fed cows. New research proving CLA is great for the heart and other potential diseases http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/05/28/us-milk-grass-fed-cows-idUSTRE64R5GY20100528#xXmSZgGYkTIb2DqV.97

A bioactive non denatured whey protein concentrate like Fortifeye Super Protein  is the best way to stimulate  the master antioxidant and detoxifier  in the body  called Glutathione.  Non denatured means the protein has not been heated or alterred . The key amino acid cysteine combines with glutamic acid and glycine to make glutathione.   Glutathione levels continuously decline as we age. Glutathione deficiencies are linked to many illnesses and diseases.  Replenishing glutathione levels  by consuming a whey protein concentrate is recommended by anti aging doctors all over the world. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/glutathione-the-mother-of_b_530494.html

Lactoferrin is another key immune boosting component of whey protein.  Lactoferrin is a globular glycoprotein that has many potential health  benefits. New research indicates that lactoferrin may have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and possibly anti carcinogenic effects.  Relatively new research indicates people with dry eyes may have lower than normal levles  of lactoferrin in their tears.  Dry eye treatment with lactoferrin?  The future of natural dry eye treatment may involve  supplementing with a good grass fed whey protein concentrate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactoferrin

Whey Protein is the fastest most bioactive form of protein known to man. Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of all food grade proteins at a BV of 104.   Whey Protein is high in a specific amino acid called  leucine .  Leucine is the  “Mack Daddy ” amino acid for stimulating muscle synthesis.   Whey protein is far superior to casein, soy or any other protein for muscle synthesis.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24015719

You can clearly see that the addition of a good non denatured grass fed whey protein concentrate  may be beneficial to your overall health and help to promote a healthy immune system.  Fortifeye Super protein combined with organic fruits and vegies in a smoothie is a great way to start the am .  If you are trying to maximize each of your workouts then  a pre workout drink using Fortifeye Super Protein  blended with coconut milk or almond milk, blue berries and a bananna.  Post recovery workout drink with in 30 minutes of training would benefit from a scoop of Fortifeye Super Protein, a wedge of watermellon blended with organic chocolate milk. https://strengthtrainingandconditioning.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/the-ultimate-post-recovery-protein-drink-by-dr-michael-lange/

Order your Fortifeye Super Protein at http://www.fortifeye.com/products/fortifeye-super-protein-chocolate-available-end-of-november-2015-we-are-taking-pre-orders/   or purchase from a physicians office that carries Fortifeye Supplements.

Heres to your health!




Dr Michael Lange develops new non denatured whey protein concentrate.


Dr Michael Lange at The Academy of Ophthalmology discussing nutrition with MDs, DOs and ODs from all over the world.




Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins have developed a new whey protein concentrate (WPC) called Fortifeye Super Protein.  Dr Michael Lange has been involved in numerous nutritional studies using the latest in dietary changes and supplementation for age related macular degeneration.  He noticed that one of the biggest nutritional deficiencies in his patients when doing intracellular blood tests was Glutathione. Glutathione is the “master antioxidant ” in the body responsible for many biological processes in life.  One of the best ways to stimulate glutathione is by consuming a good non denatured or undenatured whey protein concentrate.  Dr Lange of course wanted the best quality highest bio available protein .  Fortifeye Super Protein is a non denatured whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand Pasture raised cows.  These free range cows graze year round on grass free from gmos and pesticide.  The protein has not been denatured with high heat or acid and is free of gluten, wheat, soy, corn , pesticides, antibiotics and hormones. Fortifeye Super Protein can be used as a pre workout and post workout smoothie to help gain muscle mass and loose body fat.  When blended together with  specific fruits and vegetables Fortifeye Super Protein can be used as a meal replacement.  This new whey protein concentrate retains all the immune building bio active compounds that are stripped away in a whey protein isolate. Dr Michael Lange firmly believes that  a whey  concentrate is a better form of whey protein for anyone at any age over a whey isolate. Fortifeye Super Protein comes in two delicious flavors chocolate and vanilla. Dr Lange believes this type of protein is a necessity for his aging patients that have macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.   He believes he will see a positive inpact this supplement will play in both of these common eye conditions.  This protein can only be purchased thru specific health care providers that carry Fortifeye Supplements or online at www.fortifeye.com

super protein